Oriental dream massage in Dusseldorf

To get rid of everyday life before a massage starts with a massage with the masseuse.

With this special massage, you will feel a regenerating effect through the initially strong neck and back massage.

Then, with a lot of sensitivity, a stroking, close-fitting massage with a lot of Body to Body is performed. In addition, the sensual elements of the Spanish massage are added.

During the actual massage tantratypische utensils, such as feathers, skins and oil candles are used and thus the gentle character of the massage clearly. During the following alternating massage you can treat the masseuse for a few minutes for a short break.
Delicate touches of the lingam as well as handles on the glans, testes and perineum combine to a specific stimulation up to the climax.

For the uniform conclusion a final common showering takes place.

60 minutes: 210,- € | 90 minutes: 270,- € | 120 minutes: 330,- €

Orientalischer Traum Massage