Temdesin Secret

The beginning of the massage is about your personal coming down from everyday life.

Positioning on the abdomen gives you a powerful pressure point massage on the back and neck. To spread out the claimed areas, the entire body is now stroked from center to outside with the help of silk gloves. This causes a particularly gentle energy exchange.

Now follows an exciting stimulation of the prostate. First, the buttocks area is lovingly played around and gradually approached the prostate area. This is stimulated externally as well as inwardly with slight pressure and prepares for the following lingamassage.

After turning around, the whole body is completely massaged with the hands and the body and the intimate area is included again and again. The special feature of this intimate massage are in addition to the varied Lingam handles, two utensils.

Erotische Secret Massage

On the one hand, the masseuse needs a special cream that increases the state of arousal even further. And on the other hand, you get through a small massage device a novel feeling with vibration at your genital area. This combination of time-tested grips, prostate massage and the extra utensils creates a new interpretation of the climax.

60 minutes: 210,- € | 90 minutes: 270,- € | 120 minutes: 330,- €